Awareness Month Events in Palm Beach County

Awareness Month Events in Palm Beach County

Breast cancer is a disease that hits far too close to home for most of us—for me, two women in my family have survived breast cancer. With my chances being higher than average, I got my first mammogram at 35 (the recommended age is 40), repeat annually (the recommendation is every two years), and do breast exams monthly (what you should be doing, too!)

Screening is especially important to me because even though breast cancer survivorship is on the rise, women 20 to 39 had the highest increase in cases, and the same can be said for Asian American women of any age.

While we certainly should be thinking about, talking about, and doing something about breast cancer every month of the year, with October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s a good time to put it in the spotlight. Be sure to talk to your doctor about breast health, and check in on your friends to schedule their annual mammograms (it’s not that bad, I promise).

Here are some local events you can take part in to raise money for breast cancer research and programming.


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